101a Rouselle Place, Ocean Springs, MS 39564

Premises Liability

Who is liable when you get hurt on someone else's property?


You were at the store and slipped on a mess left on the floor, got your arm caught in a broken doorway, or were struck by a falling sign. Now you have massive medical bills and have missed weeks of work because of your injuries.

What are you going to do? You would not have had any of theses bills if you would not have been hurt. 

Is it the store's responsibility? 

Our state has set up particular standards to determine when a store or property owner is responsible for the injuries someone suffered on their property.  Let the Pavlov Law Firm help you determine whether you have a case.  

Contact us today to set up your free consultation. (228) 229-3531 or PavlovLawFirm@gmail.com