101a Rouselle Place, Ocean Springs, MS 39564

Identify Issues

Issue Identification to Focus Efforts

As I work with the city and our residents, we will work together to identify and itemize issues as they arise in the neighborhoods. Many of them are already known. Damaged streets, speeders, drainage and sewage issues plague our neighborhoods. However, other issues that are more particular to individual neighborhoods or streets as well as freshly arriving problems will emerge as the days pass by. Communication between the residents and myself will allow us to maintain a continuing list of issues as they emerge and to categorize issues into identifiable areas in which we may find resolution. 

By identifying and categorizing issues we will be able to quickly determine potential causes, areas in which we lack knowledge, and possible immediate or long term solutions to those problems. The idea being, of course, to know exactly what we are dealing with so that we can inform ourselves and the city as to the extent of the problem and the urgency of the problem.

Matthew Pavlov